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Relief provisions to address rising energy prices

The German Federal government has agreed on price brakes for gas, heating and electricity with a view to providing relief to citizens and companies […]


Recording corrections in the German land register – Implications of the Dieterle clause

The ‘Dieterle clause’ is primarily used for the last will and testament of divorced persons. In doing so, a testator can ensure that a divorced spouse […]


Tax-optimised transfer of own home to relatives

In the case of inheritance, while it is possible to transfer an owner-occupied home to the remaining spouse free of inheritance tax, nevertheless, […]


Child benefit entitlement – Disputes following initial vocational training

The entitlement to child benefit continues to exist even after the child’s 18th birthday and at least until their initial vocational training has been […]


Right to a compulsory portion of a testator’s estate – 10-year time period in the case of gifting

There is sometimes a desire not to bequeath wealth that has been built up in accordance with the statutory succession rules. This can moreover be […]


Measures to tackle the energy crisis and to combat inflation

Russia’s war on Ukraine triggered an energy crisis and clearly demonstrated the need to switch to a climate-neutral energy supply. The German Federal […]


Compensation for flight delays between third countries

If a flight is delayed then an airline from the EU has to pay compensation to its passengers if the delay exceeds a certain amount of time. The ECJ […]


The Berlin-style will (Berliner Testament) – Dispositions by childless married couples

In a Berlin-style will (Berliner Testament) spouses mutually appoint each other as heirs and determine that the mutual estate will devolve upon a […]


Community of heirs – Which paths offer a way out?

According to German law, a community of heirs is automatically formed after someone dies and if there are several heirs who have been determined by […]


Mini jobs – Adjustments to earnings thresholds

The earnings threshold for marginal part-time workers will, in future, be based on a weekly working time of ten hours at minimum wage conditions. The […]

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